Yeela'Heart Zone
(C) Massage Therapy 50mins
"Know + Grow Thy$elf".
Service Description
All kids- teens (^20* ONLY !!!! Enjoy a relaxing 50 minutes massage therapy session to relax the body mind and spirit. Let the therapist know if you would like relaxing or deep tissue work. If the guest would like to give a gratuity they are welcome to hand it directly to the massage therapist.
Cancellation Policy
NO PHONES ALLOWED FOR RELAXATION SERVICES OR COACHING…… Greetings are open in advance if a slot is available book it or call.FEES STILL APPLY. Bookings closeout 30 minutes be4 the session starts. Cancellation Policy: Please make your appointments PLU$$$ pay for your services online at least 24 hours in advance to be sure you get the time and day YOU desire! Your punctuality is greatly appreciated so that you can fully benefit from YOUR service. Your appointment time is reserved just for YOU so each sec is reserved just for yuh we want to use time fully. If you are unable to keep your appointment please notify us by email at BOOKINGYX@GMX.COM........1hour in advance to avoid FULL charge In case of cancellation or date reset a refund may be applicable based on YZ arefund fee is 8% of the total amount charged.